With the spread of the virus coinciding just about perfectly with the conference meet season, meets around the world have been cancelled. Europe is the latest casualty, following the extensive lead of Asian conferences. The only meet in Asia that occurred in 2020 was IASAS and there was plenty of fast swimming there.
I doubt that there will be much to compare this year and as a result, I am unlikely to post mythical champions for this year. Once the dates have come and gone of all the Championship meets, I will get at least top 10 rankings up since there are a few meets, but these are going to be dominated by IASAS, in fact, if it is just IASAS results I will likely not post anything other than new record setting swims.
I hope that everyone in the community is staying safe, that online learning is going well and that your swimmers are ready to get back into the water whenever they can. I look forward to returning to normalcy in 2020-2021.
Be well,